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Sunday, December 28, 2008

On my SilverScreen

The ShawShank Redemption (12/2008)

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

My Sem Pracs and Exams

I love to tell people about how my first sem pracs and exams went about. And this I have put down in my posts at Labrinth.

Read it and let the nostalgic memories of your college days cherish you!

Engineering Drawing and Me.
My Practical Exam - Phy Prac.
Long time since I posted some thing here huh? Well, friends, the truth was I just moved my blog to the wordpress domain, felt very comfortable there. [:D]. So why am I back? Google has always helped me know more about the world wide web and I am an avid user of their facilities, Gmail, Orkut, YouTube, and so I just did not feel like abandoning my pre-created blogs in the blogspot domain and hence I thought I shall keep this also updated. I had made many blogs in blogger and felt not going anywhere. But in wordpress there is just one blog where I put down all my thoughts, ideas, feelings, achievements etc.
Now I am feeling even blogger pretty comfortable, I shall continue blogging in both domains, few of the very best in the domain field, come this far and blogspot and wordpress have the credits to their name.
Thanks to them I am now a frequent blogger.

My blog in blogspot
That's the one you are seeing now.

My blog in wordpress.

happy blogging!!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

The Race against Time

I respect the young driver of the bus, which took me from Kodungallur to Eranakulam (both places in Kerala). Not just because he was elder than me, but because he made me realise what ‘SPEED’ driving is. He indeed brought my world of virtual racing to reality. His race was not against fellow drivers on road, but against time. I realised that the bus was running late when I observed the hurry-burry. I am not sure if it was his fault or machine fault for the bus running late. (Luckily, I got the seat nearby the driver; I could observe his actions and reactions.) He exhibited his entire skills including drifts using the bus!

To my knowledge of the places I have visited, I found Kerala and especially that route I travelled; to be full of the most sharpest and dangerous curves (even ‘S’ turns). You will never know who is coming on the other side. Every corner has shops or walls that block our view. That dude, manoeuvred his ultimate vehicle with ease and with slightest thought of danger (I felt so). With efficient use of brake, clutch and accelerator, he took us to our destination in record time and kept his vehicle unscathed. (I should mention that the narrow roads were crowded with other motorists.

It looked as if the vehicles coming the other way were going under the bus. Such driving, I believe, is possible by only the one who has perfect and natural knowledge of the vehicles mechanism and its dimensions. After reaching the end of the ride, he looked at his wrist watch and heaved a sigh of relief. Then, he looked up out of the window as if thanking God Almighty. One thing for sure, I am never gonna try that on road!

Monday, May 7, 2007

Spiderman VS Venom!

The story that sets up the scenario for Spidey & Venom duel has changed through the ages. Its appearance in the movie is very much different from what it was in the comics. Even symbiot’s birth is different. Symbiot makes its appearance at the end in the comics.
Peter creates the black symbiot so that it can be his new suit (what about the old suit?). The old suit is damaged during Spidey’s duel with the bosses (Goblin, Scorpion, Doc Ock etc.). Symbiot’s birth was modified in the cartoon series. It is of alien origin as in the movie, but there ends the similarity. It comes to earth through a re-entry spaceship. The spaceship gets into trouble and our hero Spiderman saves the astronauts in it, but gets the symbiot on him. After that it’s somewhat the same.
With Venom’s birth, the story again changes. I don’t want to spoil the fun. Haven’t watched the Cartoon? There’s more fun and suspense in the cartoon with chaos spelt by Carnage. (Who’s Carnage?). What can I say, another symbiot! Watch the Cartoon! Watch the movie too.

Here's the You Tube link to the first part of the CARTOON movie. For the remaining part double link and in the You Tube page, select the next part from the "Related" tab!